Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A slow day...

~painting by eduoard vuillard
The air conditioner in our bedroom is sad at best.  It's small and inserted in the space over the window by my side of the bed. Since it's an electricity drain, I have the window up a few inches and a fan set in the corner of the room instead.  The ceiling fan spins as well.  It's enough.  And if I rarely move, I'm comfortable.

Yesterday was a teensy bit hotter, and with my hair in a braid, by the end of the day the woven ends of my hair were beginning to almost drip.  That dang sweat went down my hair all the way to the ends.  And with it just inches from reaching my waist, yuck.  I tend to get wild ideas of cutting it when summer hits, but with growing it out for several years, will keep trying to attain my goal of having it reach my waist, then stop.  It's on my bucket list, and requires no effort.  I mean, it's just growing hair.  How hard can that be?  And I only have about 4 more inches to go.  Grows slower the older I get.  Everything's slower the older I get.

I have goals for the inside of the house too, but the heat index of around 103F. doesn't inspire me much.  Yeah, the central air is on, but you can feel the humidity inside if you get too busy.

And a cake for first-born has to be baked before dinner, speaking of heat.  He turns 28 today.  Whoosh goes the time.  I was 26 when we had him, and living in North Carolina at the time.  Wonder what life would've been like if we'd stayed there?  Well, it still would've been hot, that's for sure.

Must go now.  Need to tidy up the bedroom a bit.  Not geared up for it, but what else is new!?

Enjoy your day.