Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mid-week's adventures

~piglet, anastasia, and milk
Okay, so I shared about having a neighbor's washer to use until we get this situation figured out.  And Gary got into our washer last night, trying to jointly (with me online watching repair videos) settle what exactly is broken.  Came up empty, unless it's the motor or transmission---neither repair making much sense with the cost of a new one being about double the cost of the parts.  Huh. Dilemma.  Well, a dilemma if you get into that mindset, which I refuse to do.

And as a believer, I don't tend to think things are random.  The Lord allows things to enter our lives, whether we think they're beneficial or not. We just have to get it into our heads that it's for our good.  Again, huh.  And sometimes stuff just breaks.  There's not a metaphysical reason.  Life does that.  Period.

Middle daughter spent yesterday afternoon at our neighbor's house washing 4 loads of clothes.  With only one machine, you know how long that takes---about 45 min. per load.  After I brought her back home and unloaded the plastic bags and laundry basket, I got to thinking how much I didn't want to spend every other day doing that chore.  Takes too much out of the day.  Very tiring.

As a result, I got busy in fits and starts washing small do-able loads of clothes in the double kitchen sinks.  Very do-able.  Not long-term, I hope, but not the burden I visualized over the weekend.

For some reason, the Lord is slowing me down.  Way down.  The analogy of a 'chicken with its head cut off' is an apt one for me, with so many children going every-which-a-way, to have to do menial chores in even more of a menial way is somehow relaxing.

I wash the clothes, take the basket out (lined with a plastic bag since the basket has a tear in it), and sit down to watch the chickens for a while, then get up and wring out the clothes and hang them up.  Thankfully we're expecting much sunshine for a few days, so it all works out. Hand-wrung clothes do take about twice the time to dry, but who's in a hurry?  Certainly not me.

Anyway.  That's, pretty much, today.  It's all good.  Oh, and dinner will be fine as well.  Chicken and dumplings, but in the chickens hearing I'm calling it turkey and dumplings.  No need to offend.