Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday afternoon

~great mustache, eh?
Bills due again.  They just do that, don't they?  I see ads online where folks are tempted with things that would never be on an ordinary wish list.  Do people really have extra money to throw around on things they really don't need and just want?  That amazes me.

Even now, Gary's finished work on 2 vapors this weekend, in order to do that very thing.  Tempt the vaping public to buy his work.  Former smokers are notorious for spending money.  You figure, plain old cigarette smoking is plenty expensive, so those who vape now and don't smoke tobacco are more willing than you'd think to part with some cash. Here's praying they do very soon. Today would be nice.

Anyway, hope you have a restful evening.  I'm about to get up from my prone position on the bed and tidy up the house a bit.  It was clean on Thursday night, but something apparently happened.  And sweet Indian boyfriend will be over later, so a go over would be a good idea.

Roundandround we go.