What a restful day. I decided this morning (while I was having my tea in bed---wonderful decision) that I'd take today off. What that means is yet to be discovered, but I think it means I'll not take on any frets, and will relax and pamper myself. Sounds like a plan.
As of this very minute, have a jar of walnut hulls steeping in a jar of boiled water (with nettle and rosemary in it as well) to pour over my head to get rid of the grey that's peeking in at the part in my hair. Trying to get away from store-bought hair color (which I usually just used in tiny batches at the top of my head), and if I can avoid getting this stuff all over myself, it should be a winner. The walnuts are supposed to stain so well, it'll be interesting to see what I end up with (fingers crossed).
And going to make a peach cobbler. While we had awfully hot heat indexes this week, with Thursday being the worst of all---thinking the index was about 114F. while I was making dinner, or thereabouts. Terrible. We had some rain sweep through that night and since then it's been wonderful. In the upper 80's now, but it's not too humid and everything looks so clean and clear outside. Perfect.
So. That's my deal. Gary's at the shop making a vapor and repairing chairs in order to get some bills paid this week. Overdue bills are a huge nuisance, but you've got to keep your perspective. Doesn't pay to let things like that run your life (must make note of that, not that I excel in mastering this skill by any means).
Going to make French toast for dinner too, on the heels of that cobbler baking. I really HATE French toast, but am doing it for Gary. He has a craving. Will make some bread to up the appeal, like the hair dye, we'll see how this flies.
Take care, all.