Husband washed dishes again tonight---usually a child's job on a rotating basis. He put the kettle on to boil as well, as he sarcastically pushed me into our bedroom to rest. Wouldn't let me put away the dry dishes or anything. He can be ornery in such an endearing way, and he did basically the same thing last night, but who am I to argue with a husband such as this? So I took out one of my cafe au lait bowls and got cozy. Nice to rest, as you can imagine. Besides, everyone at that point was tucked up somewhere warm and snug.
Oh, and I read the prettiest thing tonight that got me to thinking. Read this and tell me you don't want to putter around the house and do housewifely sorts of tasks. The page I've linked is from Mary Swenson's site---her tumblr being so pretty as well. I just liked the idea of *little vignettes* she mentions on her blog. Gives me inspiration for something to strive for when we finish being a sick ward.
Must go now. A bit dizzy. Not in a flu-y sort of way, but it's time to stop.
Rest well.