Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thoughts on Sunday afternoon

Might be quiet around here at the blog this week. Need to get back to normal at our house, and concentrating on what's in front of my face would be wise. Cleaned up some messes this morning and got the house back to some sense of tidy. With life being a bit off kilter and one son at my mom's overnight, we stayed in from church, and not sure if that was the best choice or not. But it was the choice we picked, so no looking back.

Hard to know what to do, and I've felt so scattered that my brain has been on pause.

Have decided, though, that my mom needs to be in a position of doing more for herself. Again, not sure if that's wise either, but she's weak from staying down, afraid of falling, but you can't live that way, you know? Like her electric blanket. She broke her arm from tripping over the cord, which was sticking out from under her bed. Now she's afraid to use it. I told her we can snake the cord to where the sun don't shine, but I'm not persuasive enough. Also said that if you had a car accident, you'd not avoid going anywhere in a car. This is no different.

You tell her. Apparently I don't have the knack of being very convincing. I've lived my whole life under the curse of fear, whether justified or imagined. Gradually it's becoming clear to me where that originated.

Now. Will go be a wife and mother. The daughter stint is on hold for a couple of hours.

And am I being feisty? Why, yes.