Oldest son got back home just before midnight from his trip to the frozen north. Said it didn't even feel cold here (it was below freezing) when he got to his car at the airport. SO glad to see him. And it was wonderful to have all my chickens under one roof last night.
And it's funny how a mom's mind and heart work when things are up in the air. The whole time he was gone, we were in the throes of sickness (still dealing with the dregs), and I felt addled. One person makes such a huge difference, and their absence more than anything else. It's like I was on pause, and only now can I get on with things. My goodness, what'll it be like when they begin moving out? Will have to have distractions, then, for sure.
But it's an age-old story. Kids leave home, parents retire from work (not likely here since Gary is self-employed), but you know what I mean. We all go through basically the same patterns, but how we deal with them is our personal issue.
Me? I need to focus really close to home. Not anticipate problems, but be deeply grateful for today. That's hard, since my nature seems to be one of wanting to know what's up ahead. But know what? I never do.
So, today is spent with decorating for Valentine's Day. It's exactly a month away, and I just love putting up my heart lights, sparkly garland, and making the outdoor wreaths all pink and red. It's one of my favorite holidays. And for now, that's all I've got going, and considering how nutty it's been around here lately, that'll do just fine.