So I hesitate posting about one more drama, but this one sort of puts the icing on the cake. My mom took a fall yesterday afternoon (caught her foot in the cord of her electric blanket) and broke a bone in her upper arm. And I'm spending a few minutes online looking at pretty photos in order to get my head on straight.
Can't process the fact that my 82 year old mom will be in need of constant care for awhile. And while she is fiercely independent (which is a good thing), she won't be able to deny that help is needed. Even going to the bathroom is a trial, and one that can't be attended to alone. Not easy to have to depend on folks for something as basic as that.
Thankfully, oldest daughter spent the night with her last night, and is over there now. The kids are going to spend the day, and help her out. I'll be there tonight, and my brother and his sweet family will be in town for the weekend (unrelated to her accident, but they were already coming).
Will not focus on next week, and how we'll manage with the juggling, but will sit here and drink my tea and take tiny bites of life. Tiny.
And as my mom has been known to say, "Life sure gets teejus, don't it?"