First off, thanks so much for your sweet comments in regards to my last post. That means a lot, truly. But I'm struggling here, trying to be in two places at one time (here and at my mom's), and the juggling part (which I'm famous for) is now more difficult. To be leaned on so much is a challenge with my mom reminding me that I'm her 'right hand man' and that she only wants me to help her do certain tasks. It's hard. For a person who's already stretched to her limit (or what she 'thought' was her limit), it's causing me to freak out a bit.
And one part is watching my mom's helplessness. She really is beginning to be so frail, and just in the past year. I remember a year ago thinking that her resilience was amazing. Now, not so much. Well, her spirits are high and she has WAY more energy than I do, and always has. I tend to need a nap in the afternoons (which I've not had in 3 days---ouch), and she can sit up and talk for hours. Me, not so much.
Truly this is one day at a time living. She's thinking she'll be more up and around in 2 weeks, when her next appointment with the doctor rolls around. We're thinking 2 months is more realistic, with more time after that for physical therapy.
Sorry for the down post. I just feel overwhelmingly overwhelmed and needed to whine.