Thursday, January 6, 2011

A sickroom update (for posterity)

Bam! Did you hear the least one fall into her second round this morning? Well, honestly, I was sort of waiting for it. She's been bouncing around for days, but got achy earlier and had a temperature. Still, she never gets as sick as some of the other ones. I wonder if it's partly her personality. She doesn't take life seriously AT ALL, and things just pass over her. Must be the optimist in her.

And youngest son, with his high fever, had a spell of the Alice in Wonderland syndrome....that's when your body parts seem oddly sized or your perception of distances is distorted. I'd never heard of this until one of the boys had this happen when he had Mono several years back. Several of our kids have experienced this with fevers since then, and while it's common, doesn't make it any less startling. He said last night if felt like his hands were huge and super strong. It passed when we got the fever down, but still.

Now I'm going to read my Anne Perry library book called 'Brunswick Gardens' which is very good. Sort of Sherlock Holmes-esque, and mild enough that my sickroom-drained brain can manage it. Don't make me read anything that requires words of many syllables, or I'll be lost. Not that Perry's books are that simplistic, but they are pretty easy to absorb, nonetheless.

Will hang onto the reality of kids getting well. We've moved into the third week of it, so guess it's time for some relief.

Remember to take your vitamins.