"O Father, help us to know that the hiding of Thy face is wise love. Thy love is not fond, doting and reasonless. Thy bairns must often have the frosty cold side of the hill, and set down both their bare feet amongst the thorns. Thy love hath eyes, and in the meantime is looking on. Our pride must have winter weather."~George MacDonald (from Elizabeth Goudge's 'A Diary of Prayer')
This quote was from the devotion from yesterday and is spot on to our situation. I never understand the times when we pray and God is silent. Or maybe I'm too hasty to think that He's not aware. I see the practical side of our needs, and He has more in store. It's really never about a paycheck or even more mundane things, but is always about our relationship to Him. I'm often blind to that. I want results, and in return I get guidance and (hopefully) growth. But I'm not always so willing.
So many times I get horsey with God (but in a mild way) and frown about how my prayers aren't being answered. I'll shake my head about how the bills have to be paid, and why doesn't He do something about it. Then I'll feel ashamed at my attitude and ask forgiveness, but always after I've had my rant, and not during.
Then, the Lord sends a breath of His Spirit that lets me know that He's still there, even though seemingly a background figure. But He IS there. And He's done that today...given a breath. And you know, that's all I needed. Won't go into detail, but I so needed that blessing. We all did. A bookmark on my soul to let me remember that He's listening. Makes my eyes prickle.