Finally seeing improvement in some of the kids. It's always interesting to see how they react to illness in different ways. Oldest daughter will plug along and help and do things around the house---all the while pooh-poohing that she feels bad. Such a peach. Unfortunately that caught up with her this morning. I guess thinking that she's been dealing with this illness for over 2 weeks now, she figured she was on the mend. Well, she and Gary were driving to work just after 8am and she was bent over with pain from coughing--when she had the flu a couple of years back, she had the same experience with having what appeared to be, bruised ribs. He turned the truck around and told her to call her boss, while he headed home. He told me later that she gave a huge sigh of relief at being able to relax. I've dosed her with herbs (lots and lots of echinacea) and more common stuff, and she began to feel better by late afternoon. She's not in such pain---seriously, I was most concerned with pneumonia, but believe we've forestalled that.
Third son is finally better as well, after getting sick a second time, but bless him---he's had to work and not be up to snuff. His older brother is filling in for him at the restaurant tonight, and he's not feeling keen himself just yet. Man, it's hard. Really tough to see them being responsible at work while all the time, they'd rather be at home. That's the life in the world, though.
Now if fourth and fifth sons will perk up a bit more, plus middle daughter, we'll be in high cotton. I'm thinking we've passed the crisis point. If anyone's wondering what's going on with the least one---well, she was sick for about 45 minutes (yes, I exaggerate, but still...), last week, and is fine. That's her way.
And I was glad to see some smiles on their faces before they began getting ready for bed. My mom always told me that a temperature rises when the sun begins to set, making me think that our bodies are sad to see the darkness arrive and so give in to a fever (maybe running a bit too poetical there). Fifth son was at just over 103, so guess that fits, but at least he can still grin.
Will be glad for a fresh new day tomorrow. Gary brought me a cup of hot tea a few minutes ago, and that was welcome. Just the simple things. When life gets to bare bones with a sick-house, basic needs are the name of the game.
Hope you sleep well.