Monday, January 24, 2011

Us common folk

"Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for noble purposes and some for common use?"~Romans 9:21

My husband was saying the other day something about being content to be a chamberpot. He was frustrated at his business just limping along at times, and his desire to be better at his woodworking skills (though I can vouch for the fact that he's darn good at what he does---he just doesn't see it). And wanting to be able to do more for us, but being limited in a financial way with that. It's hard to be the main bread winner of a family of ten, regardless of half of the kids having full-time jobs. The balance of the responsibility continues to be on his shoulders, yet our children are extremely generous at the same time.

But he says honestly that he's learning to be a chamberpot and not a vase (he pronounces it vahz). Don't get me wrong, he'd like to be more successful, but we're realizing that that's not where the Lord has placed us. We're bread and butter and not pastry. Cotton and not linen. We're not fancy.

But sometimes, just sometimes, it'd be a treat for life to manage us a bit gentler. Often enough we run into folks who are very happy to treat us like chamberpots. We get the 'below the stairs' treatment. And I guess that's okay, 'cause if the Lord sees fit to place us where He wants us, then we need to make sure we settle into it.

Being humbled isn't always comfortable, but necessary, I guess. And grumbling needs to be kept at a minimum.