Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A tiny bit better 'round these parts

In a strange mood today. Partly it's just a feeling of being overwhelmed over a long stretch of time. Nothing big is going on, but the stress of continual sick bodies surrounding me has taken its toll on my mental health. It'll do that. I've been encouraged by my friends who compare what it's like to have only one or a few sick kids compared to our 8 being laid low with the flu, plus Gary. It's been draining. I'd be lying if I said it was anything else. I'll never attempt to make life with a large family sound anything other than what it is. It's hard, okay?!! Dislike it when women paint a huge brood as being a constant blessing in all ways. That'd just be silly.

So, for a couple of days, I'll pull back. And school can wait. Besides, the kids' brains are a bit loose in their heads, and to teach them anything just would be wasted energy. We have groceries to last through dinner tomorrow, and no real need to get out. Have a new library book I picked up today, and have dipped into a book that's been sitting on the shelf for a few years, given to me by a Scottish friend online, called 'The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets' by Eva Rice. The plan is to get lost inside of one of these stories. I could use a bit of fantasy time, you know.

Perhaps we all could. :)